The Hemp Superstore®
The Hemp Superstore® is dedicated to bringing only the best, most innovative hemp products from across the globe to you our customers. Everything ranged by us is truly sustainable from the ingredients, to how it is manufactured, all the way through to packaging/labelling, and always to excellence in ethos and sustainable practices across the global hemp industry.
From Candles, Skincare, Clothing, Foods, even Print & Publish services and much more The Hemp Superstore® is the premier place in Australia for premium quality, sustainable hemp products So why not take a look?
About the Founder For 20 years, Gen Lane was a high-flying executive working with a range of global brands spanning across Natural Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Beauty, Baby industries and with a lifelong and contagious passion for all things health Gen launched her first hemp business Raging Bull and Cheeky Cow® Artisan Hemp Wick Candles in 2016.
As fate would have it, shortly after launching her business, a major accident involving a freight truck and her car would change things forever. Sustaining serious spinal injuries Gen then lived with chronic pain for the next two years before undergoing spinal surgery in January 2018 after exhausting all other non-surgical options.
But the Universe still had one more surprise for Gen 6 months after her surgery. Multiple Sclerosis.
For many, these events would be a major setback, but for Gen it was the final sign that she had to muster her grit, determination, strength and experience to change the world for the better, and The Hemp Superstore® was born.
Whilst life isn’t the same for Gen, by sharing her experience and health journey with hemp has become something that is inspiring all of us to make changes we need too make today not only for our health, but for the planet that we call home.
FAQ's About Hemp
Hemp was an extremely popular crop for thousands of years. However, hemp fell out of favour in the US for many years when taxes were levied upon it in the 1930s, making it unprofitable to grow and in 1970, when the US passed a law that classed plants containing any amount of THC as Schedule I drugs – even hemp with its negligible amounts. But now countries are waking up to the wonders of hemp and repealing laws limiting its production and sale. In Australia, the use of hemp in food products was finally legalised in 2017, opening the door for farmers to grow a crop that’s perfectly suited to Australia’s arid climate and capable of delivering enormous health benefits to consumers.
No! This is a common misconception about hemp. While it’s related to other plants in the cannabis family, hemp has negligible amounts of THC, which is the psychoactive compound in marijuana.
Hemp seeds are known to contain high amounts of the essential fatty acids the body needs for optimum health and nutrition, such as omega-3 and omega-6, as well as high amounts of protein. The nutrient profile of hemp seeds makes them a nutritional powerhouse with high amounts of fat, protein and some carbohydrates thrown into the mix. The stalks, leaves, and buds of the hemp plant are also rich in CBD oil, which is showing promising signs in helping treat a range of illnesses and ailments, including epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
Hemp is drought resistant and doesn’t require large amounts of water like other crops do (eg cotton, rice), and because it’s naturally resilient to disease and insects, it doesn’t need pesticides or herbicides like other crops do. It can be planted densely and can be grown year after year without adverse effects like soil nutrient depletion. In fact, the root system of the hemp plant is deep and strong, helping to keep the soil loose for crops planted after it, while the parts of the plant not used decompose, revitalising the soil. Hemp’s also excellent at absorbing CO2, making it an ideal plant to help combat increasing emissions, even if you didn’t end up using the plant itself for anything! Hemp is fast growing and low maintenance, making it the ultimate low-impact crop – exactly what the world needs in the age of climate change.
Hemp is extremely versatile. The outer fibres of the plant are used for things like canvas and rope, while the innards are used for products like paper. In addition to using hemp fibres, hemp growers also harvest hemp seeds for food or to be made into hemp oil for use in paints and cosmetics. Growers can also extract CBD oil (Cannabidiol) from the stalks, leaves and buds of the plant. CBD oil is being used to assist in the treatment of conditions such as epilepsy and is being tested for treating a range of other ailments, including chronic pain conditions and more.
It’s good for people: Hemp seeds are known to contain high amounts of the essential fatty acids the body needs for optimum health and nutrition, such as omega-3 and omega-6, as well as its high amounts of vegan protein. Hemp is also rich in CBD oil, which is being shown to help with a range of illnesses and ailments. It’s good for the planet: Hemp doesn’t require large amounts of water like other crops do (eg cotton, rice etc), and because it’s naturally resilient to disease and insects it can be grown without pesticides or herbicides. Hemp is fast growing and low maintenance, making it the ultimate low-impact crop! It’s good for products: Hemp is extremely versatile, with a whole host of products able to be created from this super plant. From hemp apparel and clothing to hemp skincare, candles, food, fuel, paints, biodegradable plastics, building materials and more, hemp really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Hemp is extremely versatile. The outer fibres of the plant are used for things like canvas and rope, while the innards are used for products like paper. In addition to using hemp fibres, hemp growers also harvest hemp seeds for food or to be made into hemp oil for use in paints and cosmetics. In fact, there are many uses for hemp skincare (skin-friendly) for those looking for organic products. Growers can also extract CBD oil (Cannabidiol) from the stalks, leaves and buds of the plant. CBD oil is being used to assist in the treatment of epilepsy and is being tested for treating a range of other ailments, including chronic pain conditions and more.
Hemp is a member of the cannabis family of plants and often gets confused with its more famous cousin, marijuana. But while they’re related, the two plant strains are worlds apart in application. Hemp contains minimal amounts of the psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that marijuana is famous for, meaning it can’t get you ‘high’. Instead hemp’s strong, fibrous nature makes it great for making textiles and other products such as bio-degradable plastics, health and wellness products, biofuels, paper and more. Hemp also contains high amounts of CBD oil (Cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive compound which has exciting prospects for treating a range of illnesses and ailments, including chronic pain issues and epilepsy.
Quality sustainable hemp products take time to manufacture, that’s why you can now pre order and we will ship your order as soon as it arrives.
Right here at The Hemp Superstore. We’re proudly Australian owned and have been helping many people live by a more sustainable ethos through education and hemp products. Find everything from hemp candles to hemp skincare and hemp clothing online at The Hemp Superstore. For any questions you might have, contact us and we’ll be happy to help you make more informed purchases.